With the last of our two Birman cats (Katwana) now in her 21st year, we decided it was time to bring another kitten into our lives. My wife wanted a Persian, I fancied a Norwegian Forest cat, so we settled on a Maine Coon. The art of compromise!
The Coon is a very pretty cat, and is considered intelligent. It has been described as "a cat for dog lovers" and has been known to bring its owner a lead, when it wants to go outside. As we live in a third floor flat this seemed like a good cat to choose!
We looked at local pet-shops, and online breeders, and eventually chose "
Dorothea" a Windsor based breeder who had the right kittens, at the right time. A visit yesterday confirmed what we hoped for. All the Coons were healthy and content - a good omen. Gianna was helpful and very friendly, so we paid a deposit and look forward to collecting Cecilia, on April 1st.