Sunday, February 19, 2006

Cecilia the Maine Coon

With the last of our two Birman cats (Katwana) now in her 21st year, we decided it was time to bring another kitten into our lives. My wife wanted a Persian, I fancied a Norwegian Forest cat, so we settled on a Maine Coon. The art of compromise!

The Coon is a very pretty cat, and is considered intelligent. It has been described as "a cat for dog lovers" and has been known to bring its owner a lead, when it wants to go outside. As we live in a third floor flat this seemed like a good cat to choose!

We looked at local pet-shops, and online breeders, and eventually chose "Dorothea" a Windsor based breeder who had the right kittens, at the right time. A visit yesterday confirmed what we hoped for. All the Coons were healthy and content - a good omen. Gianna was helpful and very friendly, so we paid a deposit and look forward to collecting Cecilia, on April 1st.


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