Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Update - Bushka

Bushka is a beauty! She has a more interesting temperament that comes across in her moods. Sometimes she is loving and wants nothing more than a lap to lie on and purrs her appreciation.

Other times you can see that she does not suffer fools gladly and if you miss her twitching body language - she is not averse to a (scary) hiss or swipe of her razor sharp claws.

More power to her I say!

Christmas Update - Minibu

Well, our two cats remain happy and healthy. Minibu is the cuter as she seems to have no antisocial characteristics at all.

She loves to be brushed (just as well) and eats well, though demands only the best food!

Christmas turkey, for example, with smoked salmon on the side goes down well. She then finds somewhere to doze from the exertion of feeding.

This is a photo of her taken today...

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Twin headlights!

Just thought I would show you a better picture of the bike. It's a funky design with chunky tyres and two powerful headlights that light the road ahead just as well as a car does. The bike can also be driven off-road - those knobbly tyres providing plenty of grip!

In case anyone is wondering, Minibu is on my lap as I write this. Bushka has been up on the desk, but her latest trick is to knock the lamp off, after which I normally knock her off!

New Honda Zoomer

We drove down from London to Portsmouth today to collect an almost new (immaculate) 50cc Honda Zoomer! I drove it the 70 miles back and barely stopped smiling - it was a sunny Autumn day, so I took my time, enjoying the scenery, and stopping in Petersfield for a coffee. The Zoomer growls along with an absurdly deep exhaust note, cruising at a gentle 40mph but sipping petrol - 100mpg should be easily possible. A perfect bike to run the 12 miles or so across London to work each day.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Technical aside - Ubuntu under Beryl

With all the hype around the launch of Windows Vista (putting the wow factor back into your PC) I thought I would share what can be done with FREE (open source) software on a 3 year old PC. This then is a Linux distribution, called Ubuntu 7.04, with 3d effects supplied by a program called Beryl (again free). Be surprised :-)

Cat content - both Bushka and Minibu continue to entrance us with their antics - for all her appetite Minibu stays mini sized (and cute). Bushka can be scary if you brush her too roughly!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Morning Cuddles!

I went back into our room, after breakfast this morning, to find these two furry friends having a quick snuggle and cuddle!

So cute :-)

We had to keep them apart a few months back as Bushka (Cecilia), the older Maine Coon, would stalk and hunt little black Persian Minibu. Now it looks like they will live happily ever after.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Fussy eating...

Minibu is the fussiest little eater! Only fresh food food and preferably people food. She is convinced that if she sees us eating something, then it must be good for her too. French bread? Yup! Marmalade on toast - yes please, but after the bacon, OK? Special persian cat food? No waaay!

We are hoping that she will grow out of this, but no signs yet. Bushka is mellowing nicely and it is so good to see the two cats grooming each other and cuddling up together on cold nights. That's when they aren't lying on top of us, of course. Bushka is now getting heavy whilst Minibu just purrs like a little engine, so when they tire of the bed it is actually quite a relief!