Sunday, July 08, 2007

Technical aside - Ubuntu under Beryl

With all the hype around the launch of Windows Vista (putting the wow factor back into your PC) I thought I would share what can be done with FREE (open source) software on a 3 year old PC. This then is a Linux distribution, called Ubuntu 7.04, with 3d effects supplied by a program called Beryl (again free). Be surprised :-)

Cat content - both Bushka and Minibu continue to entrance us with their antics - for all her appetite Minibu stays mini sized (and cute). Bushka can be scary if you brush her too roughly!

1 comment:

Matthew Stibbe said...

You're a deeply misguided fan boy. I can get the same experience on Windows by plugging in two graphics cards and four monitors, arranging them in a circle and then pirouetting on my toes like a ballerina. You see, anything Linux can do, Windows can do better. :-) And don't even get me started on Macs. It's too expensive to buy four Mac monitors and you can't buy iPhones in the UK.